Archangel Metatron


Archangel Metatron

Healing Activation Art

This is an 8.5 x 11" cardstock print of my original canvas painting. Perfect for matting and/or framing.

This print is a featured card in my upcoming oracle deck. I will include the channeled message in your shipment that goes with this card/print. Here is part of that channeling...

"I see you, I feel you, I know you as I know thyself. For We are One.

It is I who cradled you as an infant, protecting you from the harshness of this world as you came to terms with the acclimation of this incarnation.

It was I who shone my light upon you as you began to expand your horizons and test your waters as a young adult.

It was I who stood by you as you began to experience and experiment with various paths in life, never leaving your side, yet allowing you space to grow into the consciousness of your soul.

My presence in your life is one of support and guidance, as you feel the call to look within and search for greater meaning. I have always had my hand upon your shoulder, gently assisting but never impeding.

For it is up to you to stand upon your own two feet, with courage, dignity and grace. You would want nothing more if you stood where I stand and see the immense capabilities that you carry within.

Call upon me in your times of weakness and fear for I will uplift you and remind you of your divine intelligence, which will surely lead you back on track to your soul's destiny.

All is assured, nothing is left to chance.

Belief in yourself is paramount and higher perspective is required.

The answers you seek are always held within, and you need do nothing more than to open your heart and feel your way forward.

Be in the flow of this glorious life and know that I, Archangel Metatron, extend myself to always catch you, should you fall."

As with all my art, this piece was created with sacred tools in the process, such as crystals, sacred geometry, purple plate energy, reiki and charged water to name several.

This powerful piece of channeled art would be a lovely addition to your home or healing space, serving all who enter. It will lift the vibration of the space it adorns and serve to awaken the Light and majesty we carry within.

It would be a beautiful piece above or on your altar, or perhaps set beside your bed to commune with you during your sleep.

As with all of my creations, it has been channeled with and through the Love and Light of the Creator, with Archangel Metatron as my main guide and orchestrator.

I intend for this art to bring you as much joy, healing and growth as it has brought me during its creation.

**Slight color variations may occur due to printing process

© Copyright 2023 - Jodi Lynn Cosmic Art

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Archangel Metatron

Healing Activation Art

This is an 8.5 x 11" cardstock print of my original canvas painting. Perfect for matting and/or framing.

This print is a featured card in my upcoming oracle deck. I will include the channeled message in your shipment that goes with this card/print. Here is part of that channeling...

"I see you, I feel you, I know you as I know thyself. For We are One.

It is I who cradled you as an infant, protecting you from the harshness of this world as you came to terms with the acclimation of this incarnation.

It was I who shone my light upon you as you began to expand your horizons and test your waters as a young adult.

It was I who stood by you as you began to experience and experiment with various paths in life, never leaving your side, yet allowing you space to grow into the consciousness of your soul.

My presence in your life is one of support and guidance, as you feel the call to look within and search for greater meaning. I have always had my hand upon your shoulder, gently assisting but never impeding.

For it is up to you to stand upon your own two feet, with courage, dignity and grace. You would want nothing more if you stood where I stand and see the immense capabilities that you carry within.

Call upon me in your times of weakness and fear for I will uplift you and remind you of your divine intelligence, which will surely lead you back on track to your soul's destiny.

All is assured, nothing is left to chance.

Belief in yourself is paramount and higher perspective is required.

The answers you seek are always held within, and you need do nothing more than to open your heart and feel your way forward.

Be in the flow of this glorious life and know that I, Archangel Metatron, extend myself to always catch you, should you fall."

As with all my art, this piece was created with sacred tools in the process, such as crystals, sacred geometry, purple plate energy, reiki and charged water to name several.

This powerful piece of channeled art would be a lovely addition to your home or healing space, serving all who enter. It will lift the vibration of the space it adorns and serve to awaken the Light and majesty we carry within.

It would be a beautiful piece above or on your altar, or perhaps set beside your bed to commune with you during your sleep.

As with all of my creations, it has been channeled with and through the Love and Light of the Creator, with Archangel Metatron as my main guide and orchestrator.

I intend for this art to bring you as much joy, healing and growth as it has brought me during its creation.

**Slight color variations may occur due to printing process

© Copyright 2023 - Jodi Lynn Cosmic Art

Archangel Metatron

Healing Activation Art

This is an 8.5 x 11" cardstock print of my original canvas painting. Perfect for matting and/or framing.

This print is a featured card in my upcoming oracle deck. I will include the channeled message in your shipment that goes with this card/print. Here is part of that channeling...

"I see you, I feel you, I know you as I know thyself. For We are One.

It is I who cradled you as an infant, protecting you from the harshness of this world as you came to terms with the acclimation of this incarnation.

It was I who shone my light upon you as you began to expand your horizons and test your waters as a young adult.

It was I who stood by you as you began to experience and experiment with various paths in life, never leaving your side, yet allowing you space to grow into the consciousness of your soul.

My presence in your life is one of support and guidance, as you feel the call to look within and search for greater meaning. I have always had my hand upon your shoulder, gently assisting but never impeding.

For it is up to you to stand upon your own two feet, with courage, dignity and grace. You would want nothing more if you stood where I stand and see the immense capabilities that you carry within.

Call upon me in your times of weakness and fear for I will uplift you and remind you of your divine intelligence, which will surely lead you back on track to your soul's destiny.

All is assured, nothing is left to chance.

Belief in yourself is paramount and higher perspective is required.

The answers you seek are always held within, and you need do nothing more than to open your heart and feel your way forward.

Be in the flow of this glorious life and know that I, Archangel Metatron, extend myself to always catch you, should you fall."

As with all my art, this piece was created with sacred tools in the process, such as crystals, sacred geometry, purple plate energy, reiki and charged water to name several.

This powerful piece of channeled art would be a lovely addition to your home or healing space, serving all who enter. It will lift the vibration of the space it adorns and serve to awaken the Light and majesty we carry within.

It would be a beautiful piece above or on your altar, or perhaps set beside your bed to commune with you during your sleep.

As with all of my creations, it has been channeled with and through the Love and Light of the Creator, with Archangel Metatron as my main guide and orchestrator.

I intend for this art to bring you as much joy, healing and growth as it has brought me during its creation.

**Slight color variations may occur due to printing process

© Copyright 2023 - Jodi Lynn Cosmic Art